The Kulturstiftung Sachsen-Anhalt monuments and museums are important landmarks and sites of active cultural life. They preserve within their walls unique artistic and cultural treasures from the Middle Ages to modern times, many of excellent artistic quality.
The different collections maintained by Kulturstiftung Sachsen-Anhalt are as varied as the history of our federal state: works of art include the original fittings, dating back to the Middle Ages, of the cathedrals and great churches of Magdeburg, Halberstadt, Havelberg, Halle and Hamersleben. The Halberstadt Cathedral treasures are globally famous.
Highly rated museums focusing on various topics can be found at the castles of Falkenstein, Neuenburg, Leitzkau and Letzlingen, or at Michaelstein Abbey with its collection of historical instruments. Meanwhile, modern art and handicrafts can be admired in the collections of the Moritzburg Art Museum, Halle an der Saale or the Lyonel Feininger Gallery in Quedlinburg.
- Dr. Katrin Tille
- Forschung | Sammlungen | Publikationen | Domschatz Halberstadt
- Kulturstiftung Sachsen-Anhalt | Dienststelle Stolbergsche Kurie
- Domplatz 33 a
- 38820 Halberstadt
- T: +49 3941 56749-11